Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Short Story - 1009 Words

The sun set by the time Kieran concluded his healing session with Sal, their resident healer. He contemplated what to do as he stared at the sky, which was painted in hues of gold, yellow and orange. â€Å"Oi, newbie!† Kieran turned around. A pirate with a hooked hand waved at him. Kieran wracked his brain for the pirate’s name, he was introduced to him during the healing session. The pirate and the Captain remained with him for a few minutes, probably to watch the beginning of the process. What was his name? It was something ridiculous, like Snut. â€Å"The Capt’n told me ter show ye around the ship.† Snut said, then beckoned with his hooked hand to accompany him below deck. Kieran trailed behind Snut. The ship wasn’t as extravagant as the royal†¦show more content†¦Kieran had mixed feelings about her, sometimes he remembered fond memories of her hugs, his face buried in her shoulder and her robes the scent of cinnamon. Her comforting words, always encouraging no matter how often he failed in his private lessons or when his father talked about him in disdain. Then, he’d remember her betrayal and it made him wonder if it was a lie. Confusion and anger bubble up inside him, his fist tightened around the wooden dragon. This wasn’t the time to recall painful memories, he had to find the dagger his uncle sent him on his tenth birthday. Kieran rummaged inside his bag and found the dagger. An exquisite piece of swordsmanship with a black twisting hilt and an inscription: â€Å"Always Keep Fighting.† The quote served as his motivation in the darkest days when his quest seemed hopeless. Now, the dagger will have another purpose, his protection in this ship since his only weapon was taken away. Covered in a sheath, he slipped the dagger in his boot. He could try using magic, but his skills in sorcery is terrible. On the other hand, he is legendary with a sword. With a smirk, he ventured out into the halls. There was more to the ship, it was too large to only house a few cabins so he knew that they were hiding some parts of the ship. Just in case, he had to find where Captain Cai’s office was. -*-*-*-*--*-*-*-*- He was lost. If he could trace back his steps, thenShow MoreRelatedshort story1018 Words   |  5 Pagesï » ¿Short Stories:  Ã‚  Characteristics †¢Short  - Can usually be read in one sitting. †¢Concise:  Ã‚  Information offered in the story is relevant to the tale being told.  Ã‚  This is unlike a novel, where the story can diverge from the main plot †¢Usually tries to leave behind a  single impression  or effect.  Ã‚  Usually, though not always built around one character, place, idea, or act. †¢Because they are concise, writers depend on the reader bringing  personal experiences  and  prior knowledge  to the story. Four MajorRead MoreThe Short Stories Ideas For Writing A Short Story Essay1097 Words   |  5 Pageswriting a short story. Many a time, writers run out of these short story ideas upon exhausting their sources of short story ideas. If you are one of these writers, who have run out of short story ideas, and the deadline you have for coming up with a short story is running out, the short story writing prompts below will surely help you. Additionally, if you are being tormented by the blank Microsoft Word document staring at you because you are not able to come up with the best short story idea, youRead MoreShort Story1804 Words   |  8 PagesShort story: Definition and History. A  short story  like any other term does not have only one definition, it has many definitions, but all of them are similar in a general idea. According to The World Book Encyclopedia (1994, Vol. 12, L-354), â€Å"the short story is a short work of fiction that usually centers around a single incident. Because of its shorter length, the characters and situations are fewer and less complicated than those of a novel.† In the Cambridge Advanced Learner’s DictionaryRead MoreShort Stories648 Words   |  3 Pageswhat the title to the short story is. The short story theme I am going conduct on is â€Å"The Secret Life of Walter Mitty’ by James Thurber (1973). In this short story the literary elements being used is plot and symbols and the theme being full of distractions and disruption. The narrator is giving a third person point of view in sharing the thoughts of the characters. Walter Mitty the daydreamer is very humorous in the different plots of his dr ifting off. In the start of the story the plot, symbols,Read MoreShort Stories1125 Words   |  5 PagesThe themes of short stories are often relevant to real life? To what extent do you agree with this view? In the short stories â€Å"Miss Brill† and â€Å"Frau Brechenmacher attends a wedding† written by Katherine Mansfield, the themes which are relevant to real life in Miss Brill are isolation and appearance versus reality. Likewise Frau Brechenmacher suffers through isolation throughout the story and also male dominance is one of the major themes that are highlighted in the story. These themes areRead MoreShort Story and People1473 Words   |  6 Pagesï » ¿Title: Story Of An Hour Author: Kate Chopin I. On The Elements / Literary Concepts The short story Story Of An Hour is all about the series of emotions that the protagonist, Mrs. Mallard showed to the readers. With the kind of plot of this short story, it actually refers to the moments that Mrs. Mallard knew that all this time, her husband was alive. For the symbol, I like the title of this short story because it actually symbolizes the time where Mrs. Mallard died with joy. And with thatRead MoreShort Story Essay1294 Words   |  6 PagesA short story concentrates on creating a single dynamic effect and is limited in character and situation. It is a language of maximum yet economical effect. Every word must do a job, sometimes several jobs. Short stories are filled with numerous language and sound devices. These language and sound devices create a stronger image of the scenario or the characters within the text, which contribute to the overall pre-designed effect.As it is shown in the metaphor lipstick bleeding gently in CinnamonRead MoreGothic Short Story1447 W ords   |  6 Pages The End. In the short story, â€Å"Emma Barrett,† the reader follows a search party group searching for a missing girl named Emma deep in a forest in Oregon. The story follows through first person narration by a group member named Holden. This story would be considered a gothic short story because of its use of setting, theme, symbolism, and literary devices used to portray the horror of a missing six-year-old girl. Plot is the literal chronological development of the story, the sequence of eventsRead MoreRacism in the Short Stories1837 Words   |  7 PagesOften we read stories that tell stories of mixing the grouping may not always be what is legal or what people consider moral at the time. The things that you can learn from someone who is not like you is amazing if people took the time to consider this before judging someone the world as we know it would be a completely different place. The notion to overlook someone because they are not the same race, gender, creed, religion seems to be the way of the world for a long time. Racism is so prevalentRead MoreThe Idol Short Story1728 Words   |  7 PagesThe short stories â€Å"The Idol† by Adolfo Bioy Casares and â€Å"Axolotl† by Julio Cortà ¡zar address the notion of obsession, and the resulting harm that can come from it. Like all addictions, obsession makes one feel overwhelmed, as a single thought comes to continuously intr uding our mind, causing the individual to not be able to ignore these thoughts. In â€Å"Axolotl†, the narrator is drawn upon the axolotls at the Jardin des Plantes aquarium and his fascination towards the axolotls becomes an obsession. In

Monday, December 16, 2019

What Is Fire Safety Engineering Environmental Sciences Essay Free Essays

Introduction Fire safety applied scientists utilize fire scientific discipline and engineering to protect human life and human belongings in instance of fire. It involves fire safety design, fire safety technology and fire safety direction for the design intent. Over the past several centuries, fire safety technology has evolved significantly, from early applications to forestall inferno to the latest application of fire restrictions such as fire compartmentalisation. We will write a custom essay sample on What Is Fire Safety Engineering Environmental Sciences Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now The developments of fire safety applied scientist seem to be matured until the ulterior portion of twentieth century, particularly after 911 event. Therefore, fire safety applied scientists must see important ethical concerns such as professional behavious and proof of theoretical accounts. Definition What is â€Å" Fire Safety Engineering † ? Harmonizing to the definition by the Institution of Fire Engineers of UK â€Å" The application of scientific and technology rules, regulations ( Codes ) , and adept judgement, based on an apprehension of phenomena and effects of fire and of the reaction and behavior of people to fire, to protect people, belongings and the environment from the destructive effects of fire. † Fire safety technology represent a group of professional applied scientist with broad cognition about fire in term of fire and human behavior. Harmonizing to the society of fire protection applied scientist of US, it indicates that the major aim of fire safety technology is application of technology rules and fire scientific discipline to protect human life and belongings from destructive fire, which including following important activities ( Institution of Fire Engineers of UK ) : Fire jeopardies analysis extenuation of fire harm by proper design, building, agreement, and usage of edifices stuffs, constructions, industrial procedures, and transit systems the design, installing and care of fire sensing and suppression and communicating systems, and post/fire probe and analysis. is familiar with the nature and features of fire and the associated merchandises of burning understands how fires originate, spread within and outside of buildings/structures, and can be detected, controlled, and/or extinguished, and is able to expect the behaviour of stuffs, constructions, machines, setup, and procedures every bit related to the protection of life and belongings from fire. Role of fire safety technology Harmonizing to the Society of Fire Protection Engineers, a fire safety applied scientist applies scientific discipline and technology rules to protect people, places, workplaces, concerns and environment from destructive fires. Fire applied scientists analyze how edifices are used, how fires start and grow, and how fires and fume affects people and human behavior. For the latest fire protection engineerings, fire safety applied scientists can plan fire control system, sensing and communicating system and supply agencies of flight program by evaluate different fire scenarios within the edifice. Furthermore, fire safety research on fire rated merchandises and building stuffs are normally conducted presents, which reinforces applied scientists ‘ function to look into fire to detect fire behavior such as fire spreads, smoke spreads, protective steps and those critical opposition demand. Safety and cost effectivity in design has to balanced in order to supply equal protection for both belongings and its residents. Prescriptive codifications For general fire technology design, applied scientists will reexamine a proposal design for regulative conformity or local codification, such as Code of Practice, Building Regulations A A ; B and NFPA Life Safety Code, which are called normative codifications. Prescriptive codification provide a counsel on effectual fire safety direction schemes with a complete solution in footings of safety programs, system procedures and direction tools, in order to set up a solid foundation to back up technology designs. Alternate attack Fire Safety Engineering offers an alternate attack to accomplishing fire safe design solutions when compared to prescriptive codifications and regulative controls. The public presentation based methodological analysiss associated with fire technology provide chances for a hazard based rating to accomplish greater degrees of safety whilst leting the interior decorator and designer more range in accomplishing their aspirations for modern designs. In most instances the costs of supplying acceptable degrees of fire safety are lessened when following a fire engineered design solution. Harmonizing to Approved Document B â€Å" Fire Safety † in the Building Regulations 2000, â€Å" Fire safety technology can supply an alternate attack to fire safety. It may be the lone practical manner to accomplish a satisfactory criterion of fire safety in some big and complex edifices, and in edifices incorporating different utilizations, e.g. airdrome terminuss † Aspects 1 -Professional behavious Fire technology provides an effectual and efficient fire safety degree for a undertaking design with a lower limit of obstructors. It has to run into the international and national criterions as reference above as in the normative codifications and besides based on the design applied scientists ‘ experience and cognition. Additionally, alternate design considerations may be required based on client demands, i.e. authorities authority.. Fire safety applied scientists design protection system, such as fire sprinklers, pipes alliance, smoke design and direction, fire dismay system, fire sensing system and other particular jeopardies systems. Other than that, fire protection applied scientists ever collaborate to the professional design of structural fire opposition, means of emersion and fire rated building. As undertakings become more complex, and many people become more reliant on fire safety system. It is going more of import and clear that it is good to affect fire safety applied scientists at the earliest phases of design planning, from construct design and through to technology design phases. Benefits of incorporating fire technology into the nucleus design include a greater grade of design flexibleness, better fire safety solutions, a maximization between cost and the benefits it provides and the higher possibility for invention design and building. Conversely, if no fire protection applied scientists are invol ved in the undertaking squad until fire technology jobs are identified, holds can ensue as the fire protection applied scientist analyzes the job and develops solutions. At this phase there may be design options are likely to be more stiff than if fire technology input was more in the construct phase, and clip spent on old blessing phases will necessitate to be overcome once more as if big adequate alterations to plan has occurred which necessitates extra reappraisals and blessings. It is likely that design solutions from the fire applied scientists may be met with opposition to alter by squad members from other subjects, given that the design is at such a ulterior phase. By the usage of public presentation base blessing, a good balance of cost and safety issues allows for the decrease of building cost monetary value and frequently gives the designer and/or developer more freedom as to the in their design/construction of the structure.. Aspects 2 – Validation of patterning Validation is the procedure of finding the grade of understanding between manner anticipation and existent universe events ( Gritzo, L.A. , Senseny P.E. , Xin Y. and Thomas, J.R. , 2005 ) . The end of proof is to quantify assurance in the prognostic capableness of the theoretical account. Therefore the appraisal of theoretical account proof between theoretical account result and experimental consequences is really of import. It is because the truth of fire behaviour anticipation is extremely depending on the fire probe or fire modeling trial. Harmonizing to the fire safety diary ( Joyeux, D, 2002 ) , experimental probe of fire door behavior during a natural fire, it was indicated that they are over designed comparison to the thermic conventional fire and the natural fire. The consequences of the existent fire testing determined that the standard fire does non stand for a realistic representation of constructing constituent under existent fire. Besides the fire opposition clip demand does non match to the behavior of constructing constituent in existent fire. Modeling is of import for public presentation base design, as a professional fire applied scientist, patterning improves our cognition about fire component behavior and natural fire state of affairss. Decision In decision, fire safety technology has evolved significantly, and presents undertaking design has matured in its attitude about the development and probe of fire events. As a professional fire applied scientist, the above standards of ethical thought such as professional behavior and proof of patterning must be identified and discussed. Besides the above ethical facet, other subject such as public information, professional ordinance and safety versus cost can be considered for farther survey. How to cite What Is Fire Safety Engineering Environmental Sciences Essay, Essay examples

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Dreams Do Come True free essay sample

â€Å"Let the beauty that we love be what we do. † â€Å"Hold fast to dreams. For if dreams die, life is a broken-winged bird that cannot fly. † â€Å"The vision that you glorify in your mind, the ideal that you enthrone in your heart this you will build your life by, and this you will become. † â€Å"Every fool knows you cant touch the stars, but it doesnt stop a wise man from trying. † â€Å"If one is lucky, a solitary fantasy can totally transform one million realities. â€Å"I have heard it said that the first ingredient of success the earliest spark in the dreaming youth is this: Dream a great dream. † â€Å"Nothing splendid has ever been achieved except by those who dared believe that something inside them was superior to circumstance. † â€Å"Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me. † â€Å"There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure. We will write a custom essay sample on Dreams Do Come True or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page † â€Å"Mind is all that counts. You can be whatever you make up your mind to be. † â€Å"All our dreams can come true; if we have the courage to pursue them. † â€Å"Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new. â€Å"Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it. † â€Å"Dont wait until everything is just right. It will never be perfect. There will always be challenges, obstacles and less than perfect conditions. So what. Get started now. With each step you take, you will grow stronger and stronger, more and more skilled, more and more self-confident and more and more successful. † â€Å"Dreams and actions are not so different as usually thought, as all actions of men are founded upon dreams, and their end is a dream too. † â€Å"All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage topursue them. †

Saturday, November 30, 2019

The best of me free essay sample

Have you ever experienced being one of the excellent students until such time you belong to the bottom of the class of your batch? Or have you ever fell asleep while taking your final exam for the entire grading? Well, in my real life I encountered that kind of difficulty. It was unsullied and unambiguous memory I can still remember. Way back to my high school life, I’m one of the excellent students in our class but on my third year high school I was known as one of the stupid person of our class when our teacher released the result of our grades for the entire grading. Let me give you the information why I failed my grade. It was my first subject on our examination day, I am too confident really confident that I can answer it perfectly even though I feel like I’m falling down to the sky. We will write a custom essay sample on The best of me or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I am sitting at the corner of the room and the person sitting next to me is Mike and next to him is Gine. Our teacher gave us the examiner’s sheet and the test questionnaires, as I’m looking on the exam I find too easy as I study the whole night before that day, then after a few minutes our teacher allow us to start answering. In the middle of the exam I fell asleep, neither Mike nor my bestfriend wake me up. When I awake I realize that they are almost done answering the exam while I am still on the number 56 out of 200 items and the time allowance left is only 25 minutes, I talk to myself â€Å"OMG!!! I fell asleep, I need to answer all of this as soon as possible but I am out of time†. Our teacher declared the time left â€Å"Class, 20 minutes left†, I was in a dazed that I may not able to answer the exam. I still have the hope to finish the exam yet I answered with approximation of 150 items. Our teacher collected the examiner’s sheet and she leave the room as she collected it. After 2 days of our examination, she announce the student who reach the highest score and the student who failed her subject, â€Å"The person who was able to got the highest score is Ms. Alba and I am very sorry for Ms. Vidad because he is the only student on this batch who failed the subject†, when I heard all of that I’m terribly depressed and disappointed at the same time. And that was the most embarrassing moment I can remember in my whole life.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Biography of Queen Elizabeth I, Virgin Queen of England

Biography of Queen Elizabeth I, Virgin Queen of England Elizabeth I (Born Princess Elizabeth; September 7, 1533–March 24, 1603) was Queen of England and Ireland from 1558 to 1603, the last of the Tudor monarchs. She never married and consciously styled herself as the Virgin Queen, wedded to the nation. Her reign was marked by immense growth for England, especially in world power and cultural influence. Fast Facts: Queen Elizabeth I Known For:  Queen of England from 1558–1603, known for defeating the Spanish Armada and encouraging cultural growthAlso Known As:  Princess Elizabeth, the Virgin QueenBorn:  September 7, 1533 in Greenwich, EnglandParents: King Henry VIII and Anne BoleynDied:  March 24, 1603 in Richmond, EnglandEducation: Educated by William Grindal and Roger Ascham, among othersPublished Works:  Letters, speeches, and poems (collected in modern times in the volume, Elizabeth I: Collected WorksNotable Quote: I know I have the body of a weak and feeble woman, but I have the heart and stomach of a king and of a king of England too.† Early Life On September 7, 1533,  Anne Boleyn, then Queen of England, gave birth to the Princess Elizabeth. She was baptized three days later and was named after her paternal grandmother,  Elizabeth of York. The princesss arrival was a bitter disappointment, as her parents had been certain that she would be a boy, the son  Henry VIII  so desperately wanted and had married Anne to have. Elizabeth rarely saw her mother and before she was 3, Anne Boleyn was executed on trumped-up charges of adultery and treason. The marriage was declared invalid and Elizabeth was then declared illegitimate, as her half-sister,  Mary, had been, and reduced to the title of Lady instead of Princess. Despite this, Elizabeth was educated under some of the most highly regarded educators of the time, including William Grindal and Roger Ascham. By the time she had reached her teens, Elizabeth knew Latin, Greek, French, and Italian. She was also a talented musician, able to play the spinet and lute. She even composed a little. Restored to the Line of Succession After Henry fathered a son, an act of Parliament in 1543 restored  Mary  and Elizabeth to the line of succession, though it did not restore their legitimacy. When Henry died in 1547, Edward, his only son, succeeded to the throne. Elizabeth went to live with Henry’s widow,  Catherine Parr. When Parr became pregnant in 1548, she sent Elizabeth away to set up her own household, following incidents of her husband, Thomas Seymour, apparently attempting to groom or seduce Elizabeth. After Parr’s death in 1548, Seymour began scheming to achieve more power and secretly plotted to marry Elizabeth. After he was executed for treason, Elizabeth experienced her first brush with scandal and had to endure rigorous investigation. After the scandal passed, Elizabeth spent the rest of her brother’s reign living quietly and respectably,   A Focal Point for Discontent Edward VI attempted to disinherit both his sisters, favoring his cousin  Lady Jane Grey for the throne. However, he did so without the backing of Parliament and his will was patently illegal, as well as unpopular. After his death in 1533, Mary succeeded to the throne and Elizabeth joined her triumphant procession.  Unfortunately, Elizabeth soon lost favor with her Catholic sister, likely due to English Protestants seeing her as an alternative to Mary. Because Mary wed her Catholic cousin,  Philip II of Spain, Thomas Wyatt (the son of one of Anne Boleyns friends) led a rebellion, which Mary blamed on Elizabeth. She sent Elizabeth to the Tower of London, where criminals including Elizabeths mother had awaited execution. With no evidence found against her, and Queen Mary’s husband viewing her as an asset for a political marriage, Elizabeth avoided execution and was released. Mary suffered a false pregnancy in 1555, leaving Elizabeth all but certain to inherit. Elizabeth I Becomes Queen Mary died on November 17, 1558, and Elizabeth inherited the throne, the third and final of Henry VIII’s children to do so. Her procession into London and coronation were masterpieces of political statement and planning, and her accession was treated warmly by many in England who hoped for greater religious toleration. Elizabeth quickly assembled a Privy Council and promoted a number of key advisors: One, William Cecil (later Lord Burghley), was appointed principal secretary. Their partnership would prove to be fruitful and he remained in her service for 40 years. The Marriage Question One question that dogged Elizabeth, particularly in the early part of her reign, was the question of succession. Numerous times, the parliament presented her with official requests that she marry. Most of the English population hoped that marriage would solve the problem of a woman ruling. Women were not believed to be capable of leading forces into battle. Their mental powers were considered to be inferior to men.  Men often gave Elizabeth unsolicited advice, particularly in regards to the will of God, which only men were believed to be able to interpret. Elizabeth I’s Image Despite the frustration, Elizabeth governed with her head. She knew how to use courtship as a useful political tool, and she wielded it masterfully. Throughout her life, Elizabeth had a variety of suitors. The closest she came to marriage was likely with longtime friend Robert Dudley, but that hope ended when his first wife died mysteriously and Elizabeth had to distance herself from scandal. In the end, she refused to marry and also refused to name a political successor. Elizabeth cultivated the image of herself as the Virgin Queen wedded to her kingdom, and her speeches made great use of romantic languages, such as love, in defining her role. The campaign was entirely successful, maintaining Elizabeth as one of England’s best-loved monarchs. Religion Elizabeth’s reign marked a change from Mary’s Catholicism and a return to the policies of Henry VIII, whereby the English monarch was head of an English church. The Act of Supremacy in 1559 began a process of gradual reform, effectively creating the Church of England. As part of her path of reform in the church, Elizabeth famously declared that she would tolerate all but the  most radical sects.  She demanded only outward obedience, unwilling to force consciences. This wasn’t enough for more extreme Protestants, and Elizabeth faced criticism from them. Mary, Queen of Scots and Catholic Intrigue Elizabeth’s decision to adopt Protestantism earned her condemnation from the pope, who gave permission for her subjects to disobey and even kill her. This inflamed numerous plots against Elizabeth’s life, a situation exacerbated by Mary, Queen of Scots. Mary Stuart, Elizabeth’s Catholic cousin, was the granddaughter of Henry’s sister and was seen by many to be a Catholic heir to the throne. In 1568, Mary fled Scotland after her marriage to Lord Darnley ended in murder and a suspicious remarriage,  and she begged for Elizabeths help to be restored to power. Elizabeth didn’t want to return Mary to full power in Scotland, but she didn’t want the Scots to execute her, either. She kept Mary in confinement for 19 years, but her presence in England proved to be detrimental to the precarious religious balance within the country, as Catholics used her as a rallying point. Mary was the focus of plots to kill Elizabeth during the 1580s. Although Elizabeth resisted calls to accuse and execute Mary at first, ultimately, she was persuaded by evidence that Mary had been party to the plots, not just an unwilling figurehead. Still, Elizabeth fought against signing the execution warrant until the bitter end, going so far as to encourage private assassination. After the execution, Elizabeth claimed that the warrant was dispatched against her wishes; whether that was true or not is unknown. War and the Spanish Armada England’s Protestant religion put it at odds with neighboring Catholic Spain and, to a lesser extent, France. Spain was involved in military plots against England and Elizabeth came under pressure from home to become involved with defending other Protestants on the continent, which on occasion she did. The execution of Mary Stuart convinced Philip in Spain that it was time to conquer England and restore Catholicism within the country. Stuart’s execution also meant that he would not have to put an ally of France on the throne. In 1588, he launched the infamous  Armada. Elizabeth went to Tilbury Camp to encourage her troops, declaring: â€Å"I know I have the body of a weak and feeble woman, but I have the heart and stomach of a king, and a king of England too, and think foul scorn that Parma or Spain, or any prince of Europe, should dare invade the borders of my realm†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Ã‚   In the end, England defeated the Armada and Elizabeth was victorious. This would prove to be the climax of her reign: Only a year later, the same Armada all but destroyed the English Navy. Ruler of the Golden Age The years of Elizabeth’s rule are often referred to simply using her name- The Elizabethan Age. Such was her profound effect on the nation. The period is also called the Golden Age, for these years saw England rise to the status of world power thanks to voyages of exploration and economic expansion. Toward the end of her reign, England experienced a blossoming literary culture.  Edward Spenser  and  William Shakespeare  were both supported by the queen and likely drew inspiration from their regal leader. Architecture, music, and painting also experienced a boom in popularity and innovation. The presence of her strong and balanced rule facilitated this. Elizabeth herself wrote and translated works. Problems and Decline The last 15 years of her reign were the hardest on Elizabeth, as  her most trusted advisers died and younger courtiers struggled for power. Most infamously, a former favorite, the Earl of Essex, led a poorly-plotted rebellion against the queen in 1601. It failed miserably and he was executed. Toward the very end of Elizabeth’s long reign, national problems began to grow. Consistently poor harvests and high inflation damaged both the economic situation and belief in the queen, as did anger at the alleged greed of court favorites. Death Elizabeth held her final Parliament in 1601. In 1602 and 1603, she lost several dear friends, including her cousin Lady Knollys (granddaughter of Elizabeths aunt  Mary Boleyn). Elizabeth experienced ever more depression, something she had experienced her entire life. She declined notably in health and died on March 24, 1603. She was buried in Westminster Abbey in the same tomb as her sister Mary. She had never named an heir, but her cousin James VI, the Protestant son of Mary Stuart, succeeded to the throne and was likely her preferred successor. Legacy Elizabeth has been remembered more for her successes than her failures and as a monarch that loved her people and was much loved in return. Elizabeth was always revered and seen as almost divine. Her unmarried status often led to comparisons of Elizabeth with the Roman goddess  Diana, the Virgin Mary, and even a  Vestal Virgin. Elizabeth went out of her way to cultivate a wider public. In the early years of her reign, she often went out to the country on annual visits to aristocratic houses, showing herself to most of the public along the road in the country and townsfolk of southern England. In poetry, she has been celebrated as an English embodiment of feminine strength associated with such mythic heroines as Judith,  Esther, Diana, Astraea, Gloriana, and Minerva. In her personal writings, she showed  wit and intelligence. Throughout her reign, she proved to be a capable politician and  she reigned for almost half a century. She consistently maintained her control on government, remaining cordial with parliament and ministers, but never allowing them to control her. Much of Elizabeth’s reign was a careful balancing act between both factions of her own court as well as with other nations. Keenly aware of the increased burdens due to her gender, Elizabeth managed to construct a complex persona that awed and charmed her subjects. She portrayed herself very much as her father’s daughter, fierce if need be. Elizabeth was lavish in her presentation, part of her brilliantly orchestrated campaign to mold her image and retain power. She impresses people even today and her name has become synonymous with strong women. Sources Collinson, Patrick. Elizabeth I.  Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Oxford University Press, 2004.  Dewald, Jonathan, and Wallace MacCaffrey. Elizabeth I (England).  Europe 1450 to 1789: Encyclopedia of the Early Modern World. Charles Scribners Sons, 2004.  Kinney, Arthur F., David W. Swain, and Carol Levin. Elizabeth I.  Tudor England: an encyclopedia. Garland, 2001.  Gilbert, Sandra M., and Susan Gubar. Queen Elizabeth I.  The Norton Anthology of Literature by Women: The Traditions in English. 3. ed. Norton, 2007.

Friday, November 22, 2019

The Writers 5 Ws

The Writers 5 Ws The Writers 5 Ws The Writers 5 Ws By Maeve Maddox Yes, its Journalism 101, but people who should have it engraved upon the doorposts of their hearts still manage to forget that every news story should contain the Five Ws (and sometimes the H of how). As editor for a site for writers, I solicit announcements about events that have to do with writing. I am dismayed by the number of submissions I receive that leave out one of the five Ws. Kipling made it easy for us to remember: I keep six honest serving-men (They taught me all I knew); Their names are What and Why and When And How and Where and Who. For a club announcement, be sure that the five Ws provide enough information to enable a reader to make a decision. For example, the When should include not just the date, but the time of day. Readers will appreciate having an ending time as well as a beginning time, for example, noon until 3 p.m. The Where may be familiar to the person writing the notice, but it may not be to the reader. If the place is a restaurant or a hall, it may be helpful to include an address, or directions for getting there. The Who needs to include more who-ness than just a name. If Who is a speaker, use an appropriate epithet: Forensics expert Max Lewis, Entomology professor Laurie Baxter, literary agent Maggie Smith. If the Who is an organization, dont expect everyone to know that SCBWI stands for Society of Childrens Book Writers and Illustrators. Spell it out at least once. The What, of course, is the event: a monthly meeting, the tour of a new library, an exhibit. The Why should give the reader an idea of why the event is worth attending: an opportunity to see a new facility, to learn about criminal investigation, to find out what an agent wants in a query letter. Next time youre asked to send a notice of an upcoming event to your local media, it might be a good idea to review the five Ws (and sometimes H) before submitting it. Oh, and one more thing thats not in Kiplings list: Be sure to include contact information. This may take the form of a name, telephone number, website, or email address at the end of the story. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Writing Basics category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:30 Religious Terms You Should KnowTry to vs. Try and40 Synonyms for Praise

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

EHR3007 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

EHR3007 - Essay Example The organizational structure will determine the firm’s ability in distributing the activities and how it coordinates the operations (Maguire, 2003, p.11). The organizational structure and design that is adopted by a given organization will greatly determine the performance and the final achievement of the organizational objectives. The kind of relations that is developed among all the stakeholders of the organization is very essential in ensuring that organizational objectives are set that are aimed at satisfying the needs of the stakeholders. There is need for the top management of a given organization to involve these other stakeholders in the development of policies that govern the operations within the organization. The way in which information is being passed from the top management down the hierarchy to the low-level implementers will influence the effective decision making process within the organization. A structure that has several layers may not allow for easy dissem ination of information between the low-level employees to the top managers. The paper examines the organizational structure that was seen at H.P, a business firm that deals in electronic products in the global market. An analysis is provided for various structural challenges that have been faced by the organization. The poor organizational structure that was seen in the organization in the late 1990s and the early 2000s had various negative impacts on the operations of the organization. The organization was seen to have certain strategies that were not developed according to the competitive nature of the current global market and the needs of some stakeholders. The appropriate organizational structures that can be adopted by the organization to avoid future challenges are also examined. Concepts like corporate governance that have been seen to be behind the successes of various organizations are suggested here as the best measures to be taken in managing the situation at this organi zation. 1. Overview of the organization Hewlett-Packard (H.P) is business firm in the United States that deals in electronic products in a global market. The firm was established back in 1939 by Bill Hewlett and Dave Packard both from Stanford University. The company initially produced a sound electronic device known as an audio oscillator. Various developments have been seen in the types of products produced by the firms and it currently supplies products like laptops and desktop computers, printers, servers and digital cameras (Case Study). The organizational structure at HP is a complex hierarchical one with various management levels. At the top of the hierarchy is the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) or the President. This is followed by executive vice presidents serving in different areas of jurisdictions (Hewlett-Packard, 2011). The individuals at this level include the Chief Technical Officers (CTO), Chief Financial Officer (CFO), the Chief Marketing Officer, the Human Resource Manager and others. There is also the level of the senior vice presidents followed by the vice presidents in the hierarchy. There are other managers at different levels like marketing managers, procurement managers, and sales managers down the hierarchy before

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Impact of the 2022 World Cup hosting in Qatar Essay

Impact of the 2022 World Cup hosting in Qatar - Essay Example With regard to companies, 32% totally agreed that local companies will have long-term strategies to grow in 2022 while 58% moderately agreed with this. However, 2% totally believed that Local companies will not have long-term strategies to grow in 2022 while 8% also believed that the long-term strategies will be missing. Many Qataris expect working conditions to improve with 94% being very optimistic of better working conditions as compared to 6% who were pessimistic about improvement in working conditions. Organizational structures are also anticipated to change with 84% of participants believing that the strategies of making the organization structure will be affected by the 2022 World cup. On average, 42% of people expect improvement in the managerial environment in Qatar while 50% anticipate improvement in the managerial environment. Only 8% of participants expect no change in the managerial environment. They virtually consider the world cup to be of no benefit to the managerial environment in Qatar. Most Qataris are anticipative that Qatar’s economy will benefit from hosting the world cup with 54% totally agreeing that the event will lead to economic growth, 38% moderately expecting the growth, and 8% believe that the economy will not grow. A whopping 88% of Qataris expect more jobs to be created in the years to the event while only a 12% believe that the level of employment in the country will remain unaffected. Outrageously, 58% of Qataris fully expect inflation to creep into Qatar, 20% moderately expect the inflation, 16% are somewhat not envisioning the risk of inflation and another 6% are self-assured that the world cup will not fuel inflation in Qatar. Still, 52% fully believe that Qatar will have the highest quality of infrastructure in 2022, 26% expect the infrastructure to be top-notch, 18% not expecting any infrastructural improvement and 4% are certain that infrastructure in Qatar is not improving. Since MNCs will flock into Qatar to do

Saturday, November 16, 2019

To identify these chemicals Essay Example for Free

To identify these chemicals Essay Problem: you are provided with 3 unknown chemicals which are labelled A, B, C, D and E. Carry out appropriate test to identify the chemicals. Method: to identify these chemicals I will carry out two types of test: Flame test and chemical test. Flame test:   To carry out the flame test I will dip the metal wire in the roaring Bunsen flame.   Then I dipped the wire in hydrochloric acid   Next I placed it into the sample and then I placed it into the roaring Bunsen Flame. After I recorded the colour of the flame Safety:   I wore goggles to protect my eyes from acid (hydrochloric acid is corrosive)   When I was not using the Bunsen burner, I put it on safety flame   I also used small amounts of acid and have a safety mat Test for cat ion: Chemical Flame colour Cat ion A Yellow Na+ B Lilac K+ C Green Cu2+ Test for an ion: Substance Test observation Sodium chloride Add Dilute hydrochloric acid It fizzes and carbon dioxide gas is produced. Copper carbonate Add Acidified silver nitrate White precipitate Potassium sulphate I added Acidified barium chloride solution White precipitate Evaluation: Flame test and chemical test tell us which chemicals are present. This is called a qualitative analysis. In industry, it is also very important to know how much of the chemical is present. The difference between my tests and the tests carried out in the industry is that they find the amount as well as the type of chemical.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Free Essays on A Dolls House: Theme of Emancipation :: Dolls House essays

The Theme of Emancipation in A Doll's House While reading Ibsen's play, A Doll's House one cannot help but notice the powerful underlying theme.   Ibsen develops the theme, the emancipation of a woman, by emphasizing the doll marriage, and the problems that such a marriage caused.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In Act I, there are many clues that hint at the kind of marriage Nora and Torvald have. It seems that Nora is a doll controlled by Torvald. She relies on him for everything, from movements to thoughts, much like a puppet that is dependent on its puppet master for all of its actions. The most obvious example of Torvald's physical control over Nora is his teaching her the tarantella. Nora pretends that she needs Torvald to teach her every move in order to relearn the dance. The reader knows this is an act, and it shows her submissiveness to Torvald. After he teaches her the dance, he proclaims "When I saw you turn and sway in the tarantella - my blood was pounding till I couldn't stand it"(Isben 1009), showing how he is more interested in Nora physically than emotionally. When Nora responds by saying "Go away, Torvald! Leave me alone. I don't want all this"(Isben 1009), Torvald asks "Aren't I your husband?"(Isben 1009). By saying this, he is implying that one of Nora's duties as his wife is to physically pleasure him at his command. Torvald also does not trust Nora with money, which exemplifies Torvald's treating Nora as a child. On the rare occasion when Torvald gives Nora some money, he is concerned that she will waste it on candy and pastry as one would worry about a child. Nora's duties, in general, are restricted to caring for the children, doing housework, and working on her needlepoint. A problem with her responsibilities is that her most important obligation is to please Torvald, making her role similar to that of a slave. The problem in A Doll's House lies not only with Torvald, but also with the entire Victorian society. Females were confined in every way imaginable. When Torvald does not immediately offer to help Nora after Krogstad threatens to expose her, Nora realizes that there is a problem. By waiting until after he discovers that his social status will suffer no harm, Torvald reveals his true feelings, which put appearance, both social and physical, ahead of the wife whom he says he loves.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Controversy on the Mixing of African and Cuban Culture Essay

The personal narratives, â€Å"Afrocubanismo and Son† by Robin Moore, â€Å"Dance and Social Change, â€Å"Rumba† by Yvonne Daniel, and â€Å"Buena Vista Social Club† by Dir. Wim Wenders offer an extensive look at the Afro-Cuban music and dance. Moore writes his article based on the Son. Son is a mixture of African and Spanish influence. Daniel in both of her articles talks about rumba, which is a dance and music genre that originated in Cuba in the mid 1800s. She talks about the different kinds of rumba, which are the Yambu, the Guaguaco, and the vacunao. Wenders is providing us with an image of how Cuban musicians play their music, providing us with some the most popular songs from Cuba. Thousands of African slaves were brought to Cuba, and although treated like animals, their music has had a major influence on Cuban that any other type of music from other countries, creating a bond between both cultures. I found all three articles very informative. Moore, Daniel, and Wenders exposed a number of new information into my mind, and maybe into any other individual that didn’t had much knowledge about Cuban music and dance. As an example, I hadn’t thought about the fact that after much discrimination against Africans, they were going to end up mixing their music and dance with African music and dance. I really like the fact that Cubans ended up accepting part of Africans Culture. Although, we see that the government in many occasion prohibited the people to play the Son and many other influences from African Culture, it was not enough from them to stop the people from mixing both cultures. We also see in â€Å"Buena Vista Social Club† a man who brings together a group of mostly aging and forgotten artists. I don’t like the fact that political events and social issues have played a role in the segregation of these artists. I don’t believe that those people should have been discriminated in such way just because they were mixing both cultures. As the slaves were able to buy their freedom an increased interaction and ethnic mixing among Cubans and Africans was the result. As I was reading that both cultures began to combine, it came to my mind that African people really have a nice heart because by uniting with Cubans they are demonstrating that they had forgiven all the suffering they went through. An example of they unity is the son, and the different kinds of rumba mentioned by Daniel and Moore. We see that the people that were coming together were mostly from working class Cubans and Africans. I find it shameful that most rich people weren’t accepting African culture, and to make it worse ended up making people like those musicians that we see in Buena Vista to be forgotten. In reading Daniel’s articles, I was able to see how people enjoy dancing rumba and many other kinds of dances. And how people especially among the working class uses dancing and music as a way to blow off steam and have fun. Now, I can see why African were always dancing and singing, because that way they could forget about the pain and suffering that they were going through. I didn’t like the fact that the government was calling most of the dancing and music from Africa â€Å"immortal†. I don’t believe that it was appropriated to call their dancing that way. In conclusion, although there was a lot of controversy on the mixing of both cultures, it wasn’t enough to stop the people from mixing it. It was like a destiny meant by God to mix those cultures, to create not just Afro-Cuban culture, but Cuban Culture.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

A fashionista

I think the most important lesson is this: no matter how hard things get or what horrible stuff happens to you, nobody's going to cut you any slack. If you have to grieve, you need repair your torn up life, or you're not perfect because you went through traumatic events in your childhood, it doesn't matter. You're held to the same standards as everyone else, even if things were tough for you. On one hand, this is kind of horrible. Grief and hardship shouldn't be the sort of thing you have to handle on your own.Everyone needs help. But really, you can't expect the world to wait for you to get better. Everyone else has tough times coming their way or things they've had to deal with before. Some have it much worse than others, but you're dealt the hand you're dealt. Have empathy and help others, but understand that pretty much nobody will cut you much of a break?and a small one if they do?if you have a hardship. You can learn on your friends and family for help, but you can't lean on th e rest of the world. You have to show strength and persevere.As someone who has gone through a lot of tough stuff, I'm not going to pretend it makes you better all- around. I'm still damaged in some ways, but I'm a lot stronger than others. Some parts of life are always going to be a struggle, but when you've struggled you don't get so intimidated by a challenge. I think the most important lesson is this: no matter how hard things get or what horrible stuff happens to you, nobody's going to cut you any slack. If you have to grieve, you need repair your torn up life, or you're not perfect cause you went through traumatic events in your childhood, it doesn't matter.You're held to the same standards as everyone else, even if things were tough for you. On one hand, this is kind of horrible. Grief and hardship shouldn't be the sort of thing you have to handle on your own. Everyone needs help. But really, you can't expect the world to wait for you to get better. Everyone else has tough ti mes coming their way or things they've had to deal with before. Some have it much worse than others, but you're dealt the hand you're dealt. Have empathy and help others, but understand that pretty much nobody will cut you much of a break?and a small one if they do?if you have a hardship.You can learn on your friends and family for help, but you can't lean on the rest of the world. You have to show strength and persevere. As someone who has gone through a lot of tough stuff, I'm not going to pretend it makes you better all-around. I'm still damaged in some ways, but I'm a lot stronger than others. Some parts of life are always going to be a struggle, but when you've struggled you don't get so intimidated by a challenge. I think the most important Essen is this: no matter how hard things get or what horrible stuff happens to you, nobody's going to cut you any slack.If you have to grieve, you need repair your torn up life, or you're not perfect because you went through traumatic event s in your childhood, it doesn't matter. You're held to the same standards as everyone else, even if things were tough for you. On one hand, this is kind of horrible. Grief and hardship shouldn't be the sort of thing you have to handle on your own. Everyone needs help. But really, you can't expect the world to wait for you to get better. Everyone else has tough times coming their way or things they've had to deal with before.Some have it much worse than others, but you're dealt the hand you're dealt. Have empathy and help others, but understand that pretty much nobody will cut you much of a break?and a small one if they do?if you have a hardship. You can learn on your friends and family for help, but you can't lean on the rest of the world. You have to show strength and persevere. As someone who has gone through a lot of tough stuff, I'm not going to pretend it makes you better all-around. I'm still damaged in some ways, but I'm a lot stronger than others.Some parts of life are alway s going to be a struggle, but when you've struggled you don't get so intimidated by a challenge. I think the most important lesson is this: no matter how hard things get or what horrible stuff happens to you, nobody's going to cut you any slack. If you have to they've had to deal with before. Some have it much worse than others, but you're parts of life are always going to be a struggle, but when you've struggled you don't struggled you don't get so intimidated by a challenge. A fashionista I think the most important lesson is this: no matter how hard things get or what horrible stuff happens to you, nobody's going to cut you any slack. If you have to grieve, you need repair your torn up life, or you're not perfect because you went through traumatic events In your childhood, It doesn't matter. You're held to the same standards as everyone else, even If things were tough for you. On one hand, this Is kind of horrible. Grief and hardship shouldn't be the sort of thing you have to handle on your own.Everyone needs help. But really, you can't expect the world to wait for you to get better. Everyone else has tough times coming their way or things they've had to deal with before. Some have it much worse than others, but you're dealt the hand you're dealt. Have empathy and help others, but understand that pretty much nobody will cut you much of a break?and a small one if they do?if you have a hardship. You can learn on your friends and family for help, but you can't lean on th e rest of the world. You have to show strength and persevere.As someone who has gone through a lot of tough stuff, I'm not going to pretend it makes you better all- around. I'm still damaged In some ways, but I'm a lot stronger than others. Some parts of life are always going to be a struggle, but when you've struggled you don't get so Intimidated by a challenge. I think the most Important lesson Is this: no matter how hard things get or what horrible stuff happens to you, nobody's going to cut you any slack. If you have to grieve, you need repair your torn up life, or you're not perfect cause you went through traumatic events in your childhood, it doesn't matter.You're held to the same standards as everyone else, even if things were tough for you. On one hand, this is kind of horrible. Grief and hardship shouldn't be the sort of thing you have to handle on your own. Everyone needs help. But really, you can't expect the world to wait for you to get better. Everyone else has tough ti mes coming their way or things they've had to deal with before. Some have it much worse than others, but you're dealt the hand you're dealt. Have empathy and help others, but understand that pretty much nobody will cut you much of a break?and a small one If they do?elf you have a hardship.You can learn on your friends and family for help, but you can't lean on the rest of the world. You have to show strength and persevere. As someone who has gone through a lot of tough stuff, I'm not going to pretend it makes you better all-around. I'm still damaged in some ways, but I'm a lot stronger than others. Some parts of life are always going to be a struggle, but when you've struggled you don't get so intimidated by a challenge. I think the most important Essen is this: no matter how hard things get or what horrible stuff happens to you, nobody's going to cut you any slack.If you have to grieve, you need repair your torn up life, or you're not perfect because you went through traumatic even ts in your childhood, it doesn't matter. You're held to the same standards as everyone else, even if things were tough for you. On one hand, this Is kind of horrible. Grief and hardship shouldn't be the sort of thing you have to handle on your own. Everyone needs help. But really, you can't expect the world to Walt for you to get better. Everyone else has tough times coming their way or things they've had to deal with before.Some have it much worse than others, but you're dealt the hand you're dealt. Much of a break?and a small one if they do?if you have a hardship. You can learn on your friends and family for help, but you can't lean on the rest of the world. You have to show strength and persevere. As someone who has gone through a lot of tough stuff, I'm not going to pretend it makes you better all-around. I'm still damaged in some ways, but I'm a lot stronger than others. Some parts of life are always going o be a struggle, but when you've struggled you don't get so intimidated by a challenge.I think the most important lesson is this: no matter how hard things get or what horrible stuff happens to you, nobody's going to cut you any slack. If you have to through traumatic events in your childhood, it doesn't matter. You're held to the same standards as everyone else, even if things were tough for you. On one hand, this is kind of horrible. Grief and hardship shouldn't be the sort of thing you have to handle on your own. Everyone needs help. But really, you can't expect the world to eave a hardship.You can learn on your friends and family for help, but you can't lean around. I'm still damaged in some ways, but I'm a lot stronger than others. Some parts of life are always going to be a struggle, but when you've struggled you don't get so intimidated by a challenge. I think the most important lesson is this: no matter their way or things they've had to deal with before. Some have it much worse than if they do?if you have a hardship. You can learn on your frien ds and family for help, struggled you don't get so intimidated by a challenge.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

River Birch Is a Favored Yard Tree in the Southern U.S.

River Birch Is a Favored Yard Tree in the Southern U.S. River birch has been called the most beautiful of American trees by Prince Maximilian, the emperor of Mexico when he toured North America shortly before his short-lived reign. It is a favorite yard tree in the southern United States and is sometimes messy to maintain if you are not hands-on when dealing with your yard. Betula nigra, also known as red birch, water birch, or black birch, is the only birch with a range that includes the southeastern coastal plain. It is uniquely the only spring-fruiting birch in North America. Although the wood has limited usefulness, the trees beauty makes it an ornamental highlight, especially at the northern and western extremes of its natural range.  Most river birch bark peels in colorful flakes of brown, salmon, peach, orange, and lavender and is a bonus for regions deprived of paper and white birches.  Ã‚   In his book, The Urban Tree Book, journalist, novelist, and publisher Arthur Plotnik entices amateur arborists to go tree peeping in U.S. cities. He gives vivid descriptions of trees he spots along his trek: Only the shaggy brown river birch seems truly adapted to cities, holding its own with urban heat blasts and the deadly borer. River Birch Habit and Range River birch grows naturally from southern New Hampshire south and west to the Texas Gulf Coast.  River birch is well named as it loves riparian (wet) zones, adapts well to wet sites, and reaches its maximum size in rich alluvial soils of the lower Mississippi Valley. Even though it loves wet ecosystems, the tree is heat-tolerant. River birch can survive modest droughts and does not compete with your lawn for water. River birch transplants easily at any age and grows into a medium tree of about 40 feet and rarely to 70 feet. River birch occupies large eastern north-south ranges in North America from Minnesota to Florida. The tree needs direct sunlight and is intolerant to shade.   River Birch Varieties The best river birch cultivars are the Heritage and Dura-Heat varieties. The Heritage or Cully cultivar was selected in 2002 as the tree of the year by the Society of Municipal Arborists. The trees wood has very little commercial value but is extremely popular as an ornamental tree that features salmon-cream to brownish bark that peels to reveal a creamy white inner bark that can be nearly as white as the white-barked birches. It is hardy  in  all U.S. climate zones, it is fast-growing, nicely forked, wind and ice resistant.   According to Michael Dirr,  horticulturist and a professor of horticulture at the University of Georgia, who praise the varietal in his book, Trees: Heritage river birch is an excellent selection with superior vigor, larger leaves, and greater resistance to leaf spot. Dura-Heat is a somewhat smaller cultivar that features creamy white bark color, better tolerance to summer heat, better insect and disease resistance, and superior foliage to the species. It typically grows 30 to 40 feet tall as a single trunk or multi-trunked tree. Leaves, Flowers, and Fruit of a River Birch The tree has male and female catkins, which are slim, cylindrical  flower  clusters that are grouped in 3s. The small cone-like fruit  opens and sheds small  nutlet  seeds in spring. What makes yard work a chore with the river birch are the falling catkins, fruit, and flaking bark that constantly litter the yard. The summer leaves have a leathery texture with a dark green upper side and light green on its  underside. The leaf edges are teethlike, with a double serrated appearance. The leaves are in the shape of ovals. In the autumn, the leaf color is golden-yellow to yellow-brown, and leaves have a tendency to drop quickly. River Birch Hardiness Zone River birch  is hardy through zone 4 on the U.S. Department of Agriculture zone map. The USDA Hardiness Zone Map identifies how well plants will withstand the cold winter temperatures. The map divides North America into 13 zones, of 10 degrees each, ranging from -60 F to 70 F. So, for zone 4, the minimum average temperatures are between -30 F and -20 F, which includes the entire U.S. with the exception of Alaska.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Business and IT

Information Technology (IT) is vogue today. It is penetrating in the lives of every generation. Everyone is using it for various purposes but the younger generation uses it the most. Thus generation has the glimpse of IT in all the work indulging daily life as well as the professional sector (Hamel & Prahalad, 2013). Earlier IT was not in much trend and thus, people used o do the work differently. Today, the way younger generations work is different from that of the older one. The differences between their ways of working are- Earlier, people used to do all the works manually, but now no one is done so. People do not prefer pen and paper work anymore. Everyone looks for digitalized things. Earlier there were mangers for every field but today the managers are replaced by systems (Crain, 2015). puters do all the work that people used to do. Use of technology increases the transparency between firm and the customers and also in every level of employees. Also, it saves great amount of money and thus enabling the firm to utilize the money in other sectors. The older generation might not know the proper use of technology and thus gap may arise between the generations giving rise to many other issues. The environment of the firm may get spoilt because of this. Thus, use of IT must be done in an organization with proper assistance and surveillance keeping the older generations in mind. Hamel, G., & Prahalad, C. K. (2013). peting for the Future. Harvard Business Press. Crain, W. (2015).  Theories of development: Concepts and applications. Psychology Press.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Probable Chance of Showers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Probable Chance of Showers - Essay Example Because of the above increased reliance on statistics and probabilities, the chances of wrong weather predictions are always there. This paper analyses how concepts used in probability theory are employed by meteorologist to determine when rain will rain in a certain region an how many inches.   In meteorological forecasting, the categorical forecast is one that has only two probabilities: zero and unity (or 0 and 100 percent). Thus, even what we call a categorical forecast can be thought of in terms of two different probabilities; such a forecast can be called dichotomous. On the other hand, the conventional interpretation of a probabilistic, forecast is one with more than two probability categories; such a forecast can be called polychotomous (Probabilistic Forecasting - A Primer) Dichotomous weather prediction is more accurate than polychotomous prediction. In polychotomous prediction more probabilities are there compared to the dichotomous prediction and it is impossible to the public to know how much rain may rain or at what time the rain starts. In other words, polychotomous prediction is only an assumption which lacks scientific facts. On the other hand, dichotomous prediction may have better scientific backing. It always says accurately whether rain comes or not at a particular period over a particular place. In other words, dichotomous prediction is 100% accurate. Dichotomous predictions are not always easy because of the changing climate cycles. Great uncertainties are prevailing in human life and weather prediction is also not free from uncertainties. Because of the increased element of uncertainties involved in weather prediction, probability theory is quite often used in weather prediction. â€Å"Probability starts with logic. There is a set of N elements. We can define a sub-set of n favorable elements, where n is less than or equal to N. Probability P = n/N† (Theory of Probability: Best Introduction, Formulae, Algorithms, Software). In w eather prediction, the favorable elements of rain are atmospheric temperature, humidity, pressure, cloud conditions etc. In other words, the above elements can determine whether rain happens or not at a particular period of time. When the number of favorable elements more, n > N and the probability becomes more than unity. When probability is more than one or equal to one, the chances of rain are more. On the other hand in some cases, N might be the double of n. In such cases, the probability becomes .5 or the chances of rain become 50%. For example while tossing a coin, the probability of getting a tail and head is 50%. Here the attempt made or N is 1 and the coin has 2 sides or n is 2. So the probability p= ? or 0 .5. Probability theory is used based on the frequency of occurrence of events also. It is an accepted fact that during monsoon period, heavy rain will take place. The arrival of rain during monsoon period has started long time back and it continues so. Weather or rain pr ediction during monsoon periods can be easy for the meteorologists by analyzing the frequency of occurrence of rain during the monsoon season. It is possible for meteorologists to analyze the rain data or statistics over a particular period of time and to predict the possible amount of rain which may happen in a particular year. All these calculations are made with the help of probability theory